Book a Sarah King House Concert!

Thank you for your interest in hosting a solo Sarah King house concert for you and your friends at your house or private venue! By filling out the form below, we can gather the info we need & help provide guidance to make this awesome event a reality. Please answer questions to the best of your ability at this point in time (we understand dates and plans may change!). Please note Sarah usually books 4-6+ months in advance, and if a tour needs to be routed in connection with the house concert, we'll need as much lead time as you can offer!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. We'll be happy to work with you to make this happen!

The Fine Print

Sarah's ideal environment for a house concert is a listening-room type situation, with an attentive audience interested in hearing quality music. A backyard barbecue, kid's birthday party, or other social event where music is being considered to add to the ambiance or background of an event may not be the right fit for Sarah. That said, if you're hellbent on having her play for something like this, reach out and let's discuss! She may be willing to work with scenarios outside her typical realm.

Sarah is a touring musician, and travel costs must be considered when planning house concerts. A show an hour from home, or on an already-planned tour route, will require a lower guarantee than a house concert with significant travel costs (flight, 3+ hours of driving, etc). We'll work together to figure out the best option - if we have enough lead time, we can try to book a tour around your event! If we'll be somewhat near you on a route and you're flexible, even better for you!

Cancellations are unfortunate, but they are a part of life. If for some reason, you have to cancel the event, please don't fret! There is no fee whatsoever for cancellation two weeks before the show date. After that, we ask for a 50% payment. Extenuating circumstances, such as weather, new municipal restrictions, etc. will be considered and we are reasonable people! Please DO let us know ASAP so that we can reroute, or book the date elsewhere. So long as it's long enough in advance, all should be well! Should a confirmed outdoor show get rained out, we will do our best to reschedule but if we can't find a mutually agreeable date, you'll receive a full refund for any deposit. 

Covid safety protocols may change based on event type/location, current case activity in the area, CDC guidance, or other factors. Please keep in mind that a positive Covid case could take Sarah off the road for weeks and cancel numerous shows, significantly impacting her career and finances. Sarah reserves the right to decline any event without Covid protocols in place. If we have confirmed a concert and discussed Covid safety for the event, failure to adhere to agreed-upon protocols will result in a canceled show with a minimum fee of $400.

Thank you for considering the possibility of hosting a house concert. We don't know where we would be without the kindness and hospitality of strangers. It truly is an extraordinary thing to be a part of. Sarah loves performing her music in intimate, listening-room type settings just as much as she enjoys playing big stages - it's a totally different experience, and just as wonderful. We want to do everything we can to make sure that the whole thing is also a positive experience for our hosts and their guests from start to finish. If you have any questions at all along the way, don't hesitate to get in touch!